Thursday 6 March 2008

Final Pierrot design

This is the final design for the Pierrot. The design of the Pierrot's costume is the only thing that has changed.
I have incorporated elements of both of the initial costume designs into this one. The ruffled collar with the pom-pom has been adapted from the first inital outfit design and I have used the black and white patchwork shirt design from the second initial outfit and added ruffles around the ends of the sleeves as well as giving the Pierrot mitten-gloved hands.
The Pierrot also wears plain black trousers, which fan out towards the end of the trouser leg and he wears shoes with pointed toes.
it is undecided whether the Pierrot shall be wearing a hat, but I think at this moment that it is not entirely necessary as I feel that his character design is complete.
The Pierrot's face is painted white and he has a red tear drop under his left eye and a black cross over his right eye as this is incorporates both the clown and mime elements of his character.
Overall, I am very peased by the design of the Pierrot and I think that his character is depicted effectively. I think that his costume design suits the character and I feel that the character had been fully developed to the best of his potential.

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